So, what have I been up to? All sorts of fun stuff. I just bottled three different beers, and I can't wait to crack them open.
Soulless Stout: A malty stout I've made before. Forgot to take an OG reading this time, so I'm not sure of the alcohol. Also, I bottled it at 1.020, so I might have a few bottle bombs on my hands.
Mt. Hood SMaSH Lager: The name says it all. A pale lager made with 2-row barley and Mt. Hood hops. It's like a long-lost, forgotten beer to me. I left it in the basement and forgot about it for a few months.
? IPA: It literally is a question. I have no written record ANYWHERE of what this actually is. I think it's an IPA I made back in November, but I'm not really sure.
I was also looking back at some other posts on my blog, and I came across the post about my Brewing Project List. So I decided to see what I've taken care of, and what still might happen in the future.
- SMaSH Lagers. Done. See above.
- Free Beer. Not yet.
- Courthouse Ale. Never got around to making more. I still might, but I have other beers I want to do first.
- Soulless Stout. Done. See above (though I haven't used it for any variations yet).
- A proper IPA. Done. More than once, if the ? IPA turns out to be an IPA.
- A proper Dopplebock. Not yet.
- Meade. Haven't made any more yet.
- Hard Cider. Made some, and have more fermenting,
- Sake. Soon. I'm ordering ingredients for it this week.
- Pumpkin Ales. Done. One was tasty, one had to be tossed.
- Gruit Ales. Not yet.
- Gluten Free Beer. Not yet.
Overall, I'd say I hit quite a bit of the list, considering I didn't really consult it after I made it. There are still things to keep me busy on it, but I'm actually shelving all of this for a new brewing plan. I'll post more about that in the near-ish future.
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